Tuesday 17 June 2008

Doctor Who Promotional Photo

The BBC has begun its big promotional push for the three part fourth season finale of Doctor Who. The big deal is all the companions from the revived series are returning for the finale. In this photo, we have Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman), Donna Noble (Catherine Tate), Rose Tyler (Billie Piper), and the Doctor (David Tennant).

This is not 5the last promotional photo that will be released. The worst kept secret about the finale is that Sarah Jane Smith (Eizabeth Sladen) and Capt. Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) are returning as well. In fact, with the wide space to the right of the doctor, you can guess one of the two will probably be squeezed in there.

But why skip Mickey smith (Noel Clark)? Come on. he is returning, too, was a companion for a while, and is about to join Torchwood along with Agyeman. Surely he ought to be shown a little love?

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