Friday 13 June 2008

Tim Russert (1950-2008)

NBC’s Washington bureau chief and longtime host of Meet the Press, Tim Russert, has died. Russert collapsed in his office earlier today after taping a segment for this Sunday’s show. I am currently watching MSNBC’s coverage. His colleagues are barely holding it together on the air. They are saying repeatedly he had no enemies in Washington, only friends. Judging by their grieving demeanors, I believe it.

I watch Meet the Press on a fairly regular basis depending upon who the guests were and what topics were circulating in the current news cycle. I generally liked his interview show on MSNBC more. I rarely agreed with him personally, as he let his liberal beliefs shine through quite often, but he also asked the toughest questions on television this side of the lateed Bradley and it did not matter if you were on the left or right. It is amazing how he always managed to end on a high note with whoever he was grilling.

I gather, when it came right down to it, Russert was a good guy. Like me, he went to law school where he developed a keen interest in politics, but soon decided journalism was a better career choice. I can relate to that. I cannot imagine working for Daniel Moynihan or Mario Cuomo or rooting for the Buffalo Bills, but I can appreciate a man honestly follows his passions. Heck, I thought he was going to keel over a half dozen times during the democratic primaries when Clinton refused to drop out in favor of Obama.

Godspped, Mr. Russert.

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