Thursday 12 June 2008

It Ain't the Battle of Skarro

The title of the twelfth episode of the fourth season of Doctor Who has been kept secret from the beginning, but was long rumored to be titled "The Battle of Skarro." skarro, as you may or may not recall, assuming how old a Whovian you are, was the home planet of Davros and the Daleks.

Well, that is not happening. The real title has been revealed as "The Stolen Earth." according to the synopsis, virtually everyone who has been associated with the doctor since the series was revived in 2005 with take part in battling Davros as he leads a new Dalek army in an invasion of Earth. Virtually all means Donna, Rose, Mickey, the rest of the Tyler clan, Martha Jones, Sarah Jane Smith, K9, Capt. Jack Harkness and presumably the rest of Torchwood. There have been some rumors of Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones showing up.

This is a legitimate announcement from BBC sources and contradicts other rumors leaked by "insider" sources, so other tidbits about the finale previously thought to be true may be incorrect. Which suits me fine. I would rather not see former Prime Minister Harriet Jones as a Dalek on some petty pursuit of revenger (there are enough Joneses to keep up with as it is) or those spider creatures return.

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